Wind energy for ages 15-18

Updated on 12.01.2023

15 min read

High School
Physics - chemistry
Wind energy for 15-18 year-olds

, which finds its source in wind strength and can be transformed into , is rapidly developing worldwide. wind turbines, installed off coastlines worldwide, open a wide range of possibilities for the growth of this . Spotlight on this challenge.

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Wind turbine diagram

Wind Power

Wind has been harnessed by mankind since Antiquity to propel sailing vessels and since the Middle Ages to power windmills. It is a free, non-polluting, infinitely renewable energy source that is widely available throughout the world. Today, this ever-present source of energy is used to generate electricity , thanks to modern wind turbines. In the past 15 years, wind power has taken off and its development has gone from strength to strength, even if commitment to wind energy varies from country to country. In Europe, for example, wind-power champion Denmark produces 42% of its electricity from wind.

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Centrale eolienne offshore article

The Current Status of Ocean Energy: Offshore Wind Blowing Strong

Oceans contain nearly 1.5 billion cubic kilometers of constantly moving water. That in itself gives a sense of the sheer power of the seas and the large amount of energy that can potentially be extracted. While ocean energy holds great promise, the technological challenges for harvesting it are daunting.

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The wind energy Quiz

Test your knowledge on the city of the wind energy !

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