Map of the Energy World

Published on 01.26.2016

5 min read

Middle School
Life and earth sciences

Map of the Energy World

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of the energy world!

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CO2 emissions

AMéRIQUE DU SUD 5 595 millions de tonnes par an
EUROPE ET EURASIE 5 595 millions de tonnes par an
MOYEN ORIENT 5 595 millions de tonnes par an
AFRIQUE 5 595 millions de tonnes par an
ASIE PACIFIQUE 5 595 millions de tonnes par an
in million metric tons of CO2 per year
  • 0 to xxx
  • > xxx
  • > xxx
  • > xxx
  • > xxx
  • > xxx
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Welcome to the Map of the Energy World! Find out more about each country's production of fossil energies or   ; consumption of fossil fuels, nuclear   or renewables; and per capita CO2 emissions. Quickly compare resources and uses in different regions and get the energy data for a specific country in just one click.


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