The Share of Renewables in Five Countries' Power Generation

Updated on 05.21.2024

5 min read

Middle School
History, geography and geopolitics

More than a quarter of all worldwide is generated from sources. But the figure varies dramatically from country to country. Planète Energies offers you a world tour in China, Morocco, Germany, the United States and France. 

How Is the Share of Renewable Energies in the Generation Mix Changing? 

Close-up on 5 countries

Fossil fuels
Renewable energies


Source: International Energy Agency 

The country is developing hydro, nuclear, wind,  solar to gradually reduce its predominant use of


Source: International Energy Agency 

The kingdom is developing hydro, wind, solar so that it no longer has to rely solely on fossil fuels, which it imports in huge quantities.: coal, oil, natural gas. 

Unites States 

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration 

Fossil fuels, the use of natural gas is increasing, whereas coal use is declining and renewable energies are becoming more and more prevalent, especially solar. 


Sources: Energy Regulatory Committee and RTE 2019 Annual Electricity Report 

Electricity generation is still largely dominated by nuclear. And the use of renewable energies is increasing, with hydro still the main resource. 


Sources: Federal Ministry for the Economy and Energy / BP Statistical Review of World Energy – 2020, 69th edition 

The country is gradually phasing out nuclear power thanks to renewable energies such as wind. The decline in coal use is less noticeable than in other countries.

At end-2019, just over 1/4* (* 27.3% at end-2019 according to the International Energy Agency) of electricity worldwide was generated from renewable energies. 
15.9% hydro* (International Energy Agency). 
5.9% wind, 2.8% solar PV, 2.2% , 0.4% other sources ( , ocean energy, etc.)

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