What is nuclear energy?

Updated on 05.15.2023

5 min read

Middle School

A low-carbon energy with very heavy infrastructures.

What is ? 

Nuclear energy is used to produce from , a type of ore found underground. 

The conversion takes place at a plant. 

Primary loop: 

Uranium atoms are split inside a reactor using the fission process. Fission produces a very large amount of , which is used to heat water that passes through a

Secondary loop: 

The steam generated drives a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces an electric current. An electric transformer increases the current’s voltage to simplify transmission. 

Tertiary cooling loop: 

Water pumped from a river or the sea cools the water used in the secondary circuit. It then circulates through a cooling tower before being returned to where it was taken from. 

Nuclear energy disadvantages 
  • Costly installation requiring numerous precautions. 
  • Issue of radioactive waste management. 
  • Discharged water is hotter than when drawn. 
Nuclear energy advantages 
  • Large amount of heat produced from a small quantity of uranium = very high efficiency. 
  • Uranium available in large quantities = reduced dependence on fossil fuels. 
  • No emissions, just steam. 


  • Nuclear energy is used to produce electricity from uranium.
  • Disadvantages: costly installation, safety concerns, waste, and impact on aquatic plants and wildlife.
  • Advantages: high efficiency, reduced dependence on fossil fuels, small .

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