SDG 12: doing more with less

Updated on 09.20.2024

2 min read

Middle School
Life and earth sciences

SDG 12 aims at producing and consuming goods using fewer natural resources.


Energy-Related Goals 12- Responsible consumption and production 

The key principle of this goal is: “doing better with less”; in other words, continuing to produce the goods that we need but doing so using fewer natural resources more efficiently. 

Example: 1/3 of all food produced ends up in the trash. 
Source: U.N. 

That means all that water, and other resources are wasted. 

That’s why we need to reconsider how we produce and consume, so we can reduce waste and our impact on the environment. 

Another example: A computer in standby mode uses 20% to 40% of the electricity it needs when it is on. 
Source: ADEME 

That’s why you should always switch it off instead of leaving it on standby. 

Tip: Use a multi-plug socket to switch off all of your devices at once!

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