What is Self-consumption?

Updated on 01.05.2024

5 min read

Middle School

Discover an increasingly efficient solution for the future.

What is self-consumption?

Self-consumption means consuming that you produce yourself. 

from geothermics. from wind turbines or solar panels. 

It can be individually produced or collective, with several households generating and consuming energy together. 

This is known as virtual self-consumption, because each household is connected through a single legal entity. 

Three scenarios for solar energy: 

  1. The household generates more electricity than it consumes = the electricity is injected back into the public grid and resold. 
  2. The household generates less electricity than it consumes = the public grid takes over. 
  3. The household stores the electricity it generates in a battery. 

Self-consumption is not just for households. Example: Town halls, supermarkets and businesses can also use it. 

It’s a fast-growing market, especially in solar , because it can help bring electricity bills down. 

Some countries offer incentive schemes. The equipment is less and less expensive. New installations are more and more efficient. 

Self-consumption can cover an estimated 20% to 70% of a household’s energy needs. Nearly 30,000 households in France are already using this system.


  • Self-consumption = you use green energy that you produce, through geothermics, wind turbines or solar panels.
  • Two types: individual and collective.
  • Can cover 20% to 70% of energy needs.
  • Government incentives possible.
  • Decreasing installation costs.
  • Increasing efficiency.

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