Energy Transitions, Societal Transitions

Updated on 12.08.2023

5 min read

Middle School
History, geography and geopolitics

Energy sources have grown increasingly diverse from ancient times to the present. These changes have occurred over long periods of time – sometimes centuries – at varying rates across the globe. Energy transitions have always been a fact of life. Each time, they have had a profound impact on human society.

L’énergie des hommes

1. Human Energy...

The muscle of men, at times harnessed by force, was the first source of energy. Slavery made it possible for the Egyptian pyramids to be built, gold and silver to be minded by conquistadors in South America, cotton to be grown in the American South and rubber to be produced in Africa and Asia. The arrival of mechanization enabled a slow shift away from hard labor and, today, the development of robotics has heralded a new era. The average human produces around 100 watts of power, compared with 150,000 watts for a locomotive in 1850.

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