Sustainable Energy Challenges

Published on 04.29.2021

5 min read

Middle School
Life and earth sciences

Learn about the impact of transitions to more sustainable energy systems, with a focus on the climate, independence, employment and the population.

What Are the Challenges of Sustainable Energy? 

Challenge no. 1: combat

Unlike fossil fuels ( / oil / natural gas) renewable energies (hydro / wind / / solar / / ) = energy and gas production that emits less = combating which causes: 

  • melting ice caps = rising sea levels and the displacement of people. 
  • droughts = desertification, farming problems and extinctions.
Challenge no. 2: promote countries’ . 

By producing their own or gas from the of water, the sun, wind or waste, countries become more energy independent. = prevention of certain supply issues = management and stabilization of energy costs. 

This is because fossil fuels are concentrated in certain countries and are being depleted unlike wind or sunshine, which can be found everywhere and are infinite. But, clearly, many countries will continue to import and export energy. 

Challenge no. 3: reduce risks related to fossil fuels. 

production is generally less hazardous for humans. 

Examples: mining accidents and accidents in nuclear power plants but if a hydroelectric dam gives way, it will also have consequences. 

Challenge no. 4: boost job creation in countries. 

New renewable-energy industries create jobs:

  • Direct jobs: design + construction + maintenance generation systems and distribution networks.
  • Indirect jobs with all materials suppliers

Can support countries’ economic activity + Can revitalize certain regions.


  • Renewable energies challenge no. 1: combat climate change.
  • Renewable energies challenge no. 2: promote countries’ energy independence.
  • Renewable energies challenge no. 3: reduce risks related to energy production.
  • Renewable energies challenge no. 4: boost job creation in countries.
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