The A To Z of Natural Gas

Published on 08.14.2019

2 min read

Middle School

Formation, extraction, transport, uses, advantages and disadvantages.

The A to Z of natural gas

Natural gas can be found in its natural state in porous rock formations underground. 

It is formed when organic matter is converted into gas. 

This makes it a fossil

It is made up of hydrocarbons, mainly methane, but also propane, butane, and pentane. 

Two-thirds of resources are located in Russia and the Middle East. It is a fuel that is adapted to both industrial and domestic use. 

Producing gas requires complex infrastructure. 

It can be transported by or submarine pipelines, or in liquid form on boats. 

Advantages of natural gas 

Natural gas is described as a “clean” energy or fuel, because burning it mostly releases steam and

It emits 25% less CO2 than fuel oil, and 50% less than

Challenges of natural gas

Global demand for natural gas is rising steadily. Production, transportation and storage techniques are therefore continually being optimized. 

So too are techniques for exploring for and producing natural gas in currently inaccessible reserves under the ocean and in permafrost. 


  • Natural gas = a “clean” fossil fuel that is made up of hydrocarbons found underground and is used industrially and domestically.
  • Requires complex infrastructure for production and transportation.
  • Challenge: improving exploration and production to meet demand.
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