Global Coal Production

Updated on 03.06.2024

5 min read

Middle School High School
Life and earth sciences

World production continues to increase. (7.4 %) boosted by growing demand for . China accounts for more than half of global production ahead of Indonesia and India, which are also on the rise. Behind them, the United States has also increased its production, notably for export.

Global Coal Production (in exajoules*)

Source: The Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy™ 2023
Country202120222021-2022 ChangeShare of Global Coal Production
 Russia9.29.3 1.1%5.4%
 South Africa5.45.3-1.7%3.1%
 Poland1.71.7-1.32 %1%
 Colombia1.71.6-2.5 %0.9%
 Total World162.5174.57.4 %100%

*1 Exajoule = 25 Mtoe (Million metric tons of oil equivalent)

Global Coal Production.pdf Global Coal Production.pdf

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